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An 18.9 min blue large-amplitude pulsator crossing the "Hertzsprung gap" of hot subdwarfs
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Filling the gap between synchronized and non-synchronized sdBs in
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Pulsating subdwarf B stars in the oldest open cluster NGC 6791
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New Variable Hot Subdwarf Stars Identified from Anomalous Gaia Flux Errors, Observed by TESS, and Classified via Fourier Diagnostics
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Orbital and atmospheric parameters of two wide O-type subdwarf binaries: BD−11° 162 and Feige 80
The first heavy-metal hot subdwarf composite binary SB 744
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The first heavy-metal hot subdwarf composite binary SB 744
Hot subdwarf Atmospheric parameters, Kinematics, and Origins - Based on 1587 hot subdwarf stars observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR7
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Hot subdwarf Atmospheric parameters, Kinematics, and Origins - Based on 1587 hot subdwarf stars observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR7
Asteroseismic analysis of variable hot subdwarf stars observed with TESS I. The mean g-mode period spacings in hot subdwarf B stars
Uzundag, M.; Vučković, M.; Németh, P.; Bertolami, M. M.; Silvotti, R.; Baran, A. S.; Telting, J. H.; Reed, M.; Shoaf, K. A.; Østensen, R. H.; Sahoo, S. K.
2021 - Astronomy & Astrophysics - Volume 651, id.A121 - 2021A&A...651A.121U
Asteroseismic analysis of variable hot subdwarf stars observed with TESS I. The mean g-mode period spacings in hot subdwarf B stars
Hot Subdwarf Stars Identified in Gaia DR2 with Spectra of LAMOST DR6 and DR7. II. Kinematics
Luo, Y.; Németh, P.; Li Q.
2020 - The Astrophysical Journal - Volume 898, Issue 1, id.64 - 2020ApJ...898...64L
Hot Subdwarf Stars Identified in Gaia DR2 with Spectra of LAMOST DR6 and DR7. II. Kinematics
Composite Spectrum Hot Subdwarf Binaries
Németh, P.
2020 - Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso - Volume 50, Number 2, 546-551. - 2020CoSka..50..546N
Composite Spectrum Hot Subdwarf Binaries
TESS observations of sdBV stars: extraordinarily short-period gravity modes in CD-28° 1974
Reed, M. D.; Shoaf, K. A.; Németh, P.; Vos, J.; Uzundag, M.; Baran, A. S.; Sahoo, S. K.; Jeffery, C. S.; Telting, J. H.; Østensen, R. H.
2020 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 493, Issue 4, p.5162-5169 - 2020MNRAS.493.5162R
Astroserver reference: FC6QRB
TESS observations of sdBV stars: extraordinarily short-period gravity modes in CD-28° 1974
Hot Subdwarf All Southern Sky Fast Transit Survey with the EVRYSCOPE
Ratzloff, Jeffrey K.; Barlow, Brad N.; Németh, Péter; Corbett, Henry T.; Walser, Stephen; Galliher, Nathan W.; Glazier, Amy; Howard, Ward S.; Law, Nicholas M.
2020 - The Astrophysical Journal - Volume 890, Issue 2, id.126 - 2020ApJ...890..126R
Astroserver reference: EVRY01
Hot Subdwarf All Southern Sky Fast Transit Survey with the EVRYSCOPE
Hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with spectra of LAMOST DR6 and DR7 I.: Single-lined spectra
Lei, Zhenxin; Zhao, Jingkun; Németh, Péter; Zhao, Gang
2020 - The Astrophysical Journal - Volume 889, Issue 2, id.117 - 2020ApJ...889..117L
Astroserver reference: D879YE, D880YE
Hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with spectra of LAMOST DR6 and DR7 I.: Single-lined spectra
New hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with LAMOST DR5 spectra - II
Lei, Zhenxin; Zhao, Jingkun; Németh, Péter; Zhao, Gang
2019 - Astrophysical Journal - Volume 881, Issue 2, article id. 135, 12 pp. - 2019ApJ...881..135L
Astroserver reference: XD8O2C
New hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with LAMOST DR5 spectra - II
Hot subdwarf stars observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR5
Luo, Yangping; Németh, Péter; Deng, Licai; Han, Zhanwen
2019 - Astrophysical Journal - Volume 881, Issue 1, article id. 7, 16 pp. - 2019ApJ...881....7L
Hot subdwarf stars observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR5
PB 8783: the first sdO star suitable for asteroseismic modeling?
Van Grootel, V; Randall, S. K.; Latour, M.; Németh, P.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Charpinet, S.; Green, E. M.
2019 - Proceedings of the PHOST "Physics of Oscillating Stars" - Accepted - 2019arXiv190500654V
Astroserver reference: KQI0NK
PB 8783: the first sdO star suitable for asteroseismic modeling?
Searching for hot subdwarf stars from the LAMOST Spectra. II. - Pure spectroscopic identification method for hot subdwarfs
Lei, Zhenxin; Bu, Yude; Zhao, Jingkun; Németh, Péter; Zhao, Gang
2019 - Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan - Volume 71, Issue 2, id.41 - 2019PASJ...71...41L
Astroserver reference: W00QEL
Searching for hot subdwarf stars from the LAMOST Spectra. II. - Pure spectroscopic identification method for hot subdwarfs
Two p-mode dominated subdwarf B pulsators in binaries with F-star companions observed with K2
Reed, M.; Telting, J.; Ketzer, L.; Crooke, J.; Baran, A.; Vos, J.; Nemeth, P.; Østensen, R. H.; Jeffery, S.
2019 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 483, Issue 2, 2282-2299 - 2019MNRAS.483.2282R
Astroserver reference: B7XWR0
Two p-mode dominated subdwarf B pulsators in binaries with F-star companions observed with K2
XTgrid Live: Online spectral analyses with Tlusty models
Németh, P.
2019 - Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (ASPCS) - Vol. 519, p.117 - 2019ASPC..519..117N
XTgrid Live: Online spectral analyses with Tlusty models
The orbital period - mass ratio relation of wide sdB+MS binaries and its application to the stability of RLOF
Vos, J.; Vučković, M.; Chen, X.; Han, Z.; Boudreaux, T.; Barlow, B. N.; Østensen, R. H.; Németh, P.
2019 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 482, Issue 4, 4592-4605 - 2019MNRAS.482.4592V
Astroserver references: KW32YZ, EZZ74T
The orbital period - mass ratio relation of wide sdB+MS binaries and its application to the stability of RLOF
New hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with LAMOST DR5 spectra
Lei, Z.; Zhao, J.; Németh, P.; Zhao, G.
2018 - The Astrosphysical Journal - Volume 868, Issue 1, 9, article id. 70 - 2018ApJ...868...70L
Astroserver references: X074VU, KS5NVO
New hot subdwarf stars identified in Gaia DR2 with LAMOST DR5 spectra
A quantitative NLTE analysis of visual and ultraviolet spectra of four helium-rich subdwarf O stars
Schindewolf, M.; Németh, P.; Heber, U.; Battich, T.; Miller Bertolami, M. M.; Irrgang, A.; Latour, M.
2018 - Astronomy & Astrophysics - Volume 620, 28, id.A36 - 2018A&A...620A..36S
Astroserver reference: KX9CPP
A quantitative NLTE analysis of visual and ultraviolet spectra of four helium-rich subdwarf O stars
Evolutionary Constraints on the Long-period Subdwarf B Binary PG 1018-047
Deca, J.; Vos, J.; Nemeth, P.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Marsh, T. R.; Østensen, R. H.
2018 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 474, Issue 1, 433-442 - 2018MNRAS.474..433D
Astroserver reference: L0BDZP
Evolutionary Constraints on the Long-period Subdwarf B Binary PG 1018-047
Composite hot-subdwarf binaries – I. The spectroscopically confirmed sdB sample
Vos, J.; Németh, P.; Vučković, M.; Østensen, R. H.; Parsons, S.
2018 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 473, Issue 1, 693-709 - 2018MNRAS.473..693V
Astroserver reference: KW32YZ
Composite hot-subdwarf binaries – I. The spectroscopically confirmed sdB sample
A FEROS survey of hot subdwarf stars
Vennes, S.; Németh, P.; Kawka, A.
Poster: Eighth Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, sdOB8, Kraków (Poland)
2018 - Open Astronomy - Volume 27, Issue 1, 7-13 - 2018OAst...27....7V
Astroserver reference: VPD0AJ
A FEROS survey of hot subdwarf stars
An unusual white dwarf star may be a surviving remnant of a subluminous Type Ia supernova
Vennes, S.; Nemeth, P.; Kawka, A.; Thorstensen, J. R.; Khalack, V.; Ferrario, L.; Alper, E. H.
2017 - Science, August 18 Issue: Vol. 357, Issue 6352, pp. 680-683, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam8378
Astroserver reference: NWKZKA
An unusual white dwarf star may be a surviving remnant of a subluminous Type Ia supernova
Atomic diffusion in the atmosphere of Feige 86
Németh, P.
Poster: Eighth Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, sdOB8, Kraków (Poland)
2017 - Open Astronomy - Volume 26, Issue 1, 280-284 - 2017OAst...26..280N
Astroserver reference: ASYYL4
Atomic diffusion in the atmosphere of Feige 86
Astroserver – Research Services in the Stellar Webshop
Németh, P.
Talk: Eighth Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, sdOB8, Kraków (Poland)
2017 - Open Astronomy - Volume 26, Issue 1, 179-186 - 2017OAst...26..179N
Astroserver – Research Services in the Stellar Webshop
- Short article about Supernovae on Phenomena
K2 observations of pulsating subdwarf B stars: Analysis of EPIC 203948264 observed during Campaign 2
Ketzer, L.; Reed, M.D.; Baran, A.S.; Németh, P.; Telting, J.H.; Østensen, R.H.; Jeffery, C.S.
2017 - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 467, Issue 1, 461-468 - 2017MNRAS.467..461K
K2 observations of pulsating subdwarf B stars: Analysis of EPIC 203948264 observed during Campaign 2
An extremely fast halo hot subdwarf star in a wide binary system
Németh, P.; Ziegerer, E.; Irrgang, A.; Geier, S.; Fürst, F.; Kupfer, T.; Heber, U.
2016 - Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume 821, L13 - 2016ApJL..821L..13N
Astroserver reference: FXRU96
An extremely fast halo hot subdwarf star in a wide binary system
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